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Stencil Artist (8163)

Although Dike has an artist cane with this same handle, that’s where the similarities end. This one has a container under the top of the handle that holds a complete set of hand cut stencils, along with other supplies. Below that the metal shaft with wood graining contains a complete set of paints in original bottles. There is a match container around the top of the shaft. This isn’t a pretty cane, but it has a lot of untouched character. The handle is made of brass and tin. The container is brass with heavy patina and has a monogram barely visible on the container. The handle top is just short of 3” in diameter.
Not much question in my mind this is a American system of the 1860’s. This cane is here to illustrate how well thought out and organized American gadgets can be. I believe there is a difference between the system and gadget canes. Historically these names were interchangeable by country of origin. My new definition, as of this moment, is that gadget canes have one use and are very simple. Patented canes that do something often fit that definition. System sticks have multiple uses and are often very elaborate. Today’s question is, is there a difference between system and gadget canes of different countries? I think there is. Let’s see where the evidence takes us.

Category: Gadget
Sub Category: Occupational - Tools

Listed: 2006-07-02 18:46:18

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